About us

Masák & Partner Architectonic Studio

We are an experienced and dynamic studio that has been on the market since 1996. We are particular about our credit, reliability and helpfulness. We strive for the satisfaction of our clients with our individual and professional approaches. At the highest possible level, we combine their requirements, our creative inventiveness and technical possibilities for project implementation.

Presently, we employ over 30 permanent team members and an extensive circle of external collaborators. Not only considering the scope but also our vast experience and perseverance, we are ready to take part in various kinds of demanding projects.

A significant part of our architectural and design activities focuses on heritage sites preservation. Our emphasis on restoration of heritage sites resulted in a decision to establish a new specialised company Masák & Partner Heritage Sites within the Masák & Partner Group. The main aim of Masák & Partner Heritage Sites is to dedicate all its activities, experience and know-how to the preservation of historically and culturally significant sites and to further develop in this direction.


Flexibility and a wide range of our studio’s options are built on a working structure that is based on an experienced team of people working in various departments of design, technical support, models and project management.

For more than 12 years, our company has been engaged in project systematisation, especially with regards to the specific needs of heritage sites. The ArchiCAD tool enables us to work in 3D, which we have for a long time, so we can easily index and assign information to virtual construction sites. More than 4 years ago, we proceeded to take over and implement the international BIM standard - Building Information Management, to work with the IFC format and develop the workflow of this modern construction tool.


Our company is tied to a number of external offices and the BIM system is thus fully implemented throughout the entire project preparation and as developers, we implement this system throughout the entire construction of the sight.

We also try to persuade our public sector partners and sponsors of the benefits and efficiency of BIM as a tool for preparing, constructing, monitoring and optimising constructions throughout their life cycles.

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